Thursday, October 30, 2014


Today, we honor John Wycliffe, a notable translator and theologian from the Middle Ages.  Through his life, we learn that God calls us to action.  Indeed, "the sower sows the word," (Mark 4:14) speaking of Jesus, but we must nurture that word in our hearts.  Wycliffe took action and preached about how the church is not about how much money one has, but how much spiritual money it has.  He taught that the church depended on the people.  One of the ways he brought the church to more people than the rich was by translating the Bible into English.  Of course, he was ostracised by the Roman Catholic Church because of his actions and teachings, but that's what we must do.  Jesus preached about the corruption among the pharisees and gave us a solution to these problems.  In fact, Jesus gave us a very simply stated instruction: follow God.  When we put all of our talents to God, we glorify God.  When we glorify God, we bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.  So, let us take our time to think about our talents: teaching, listening, preaching, writing, volunteering, cooking, dancing, acting; and then we can put them forth to God to make earth the New Jerusalem.

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