"Behold, the Lord your God is delivering the land to you in our presence; go up and take it as an inheritance, in the manner the Lord God of your fathers spoke to you; do not fear or be afraid." Deuteronomy 1:21
Imagine that somebody calls you on the phone right now to tell you that your dream job is set up for you: you will do what you love, and you will get paid to do it - no risks. Would you turn it away?
I find that the story of the Israelites going into the Promised Land is a great example for us to learn from. God, who delivered them from Egypt and who led them through the desert with a sign of a cloud by day and fire (an entire pillar!) by night, told them that their land of promise, one flowing with abundant resources, one that they would be able to clear for themselves, was prepared and ready for them. Almighty God told them this. But they, in response, asked to reconsider everything, to make sure that everything was 'safe' and 'ready' to their arbitrary standards. They became afraid because they reconsidered every single detail and found things to be afraid of, despite God's promise. This, obviously, did not end well for them.
However, we face this same sort of situation frequently in our lives. We can go to church and pray and read the bible, but when it comes time for challenges in our lives, we cower. We turn away from everything we have been taught and have seen and run away to our own detriment.
God used Mosaic Law to teach the people of Israel how to follow God. Then, when the time was appropriate, God sent Jesus to free us from the tutelage of the Law so that we could walk in faith towards him without any reservations. Jesus made it so much simpler for us. But, we continue to walk away, saying it's too scary to follow, too risky to become a disciple, too good to be true.
And then, we have all of the blessings that we receive every day. We can't seem to be thankful for each one of them. Instead, we go to God, asking for God to make things the way that we want them, for the moment, for the minute that it sounds good. Instead, God shows us the bright way, but we find the things to make it scary for us. God shows you the dream job, but your investigation shows that you would have to put in a greater effort. God shows you the dream house, but your investigation shows that you would have to mow the lawn. God shows you salvation, but your investigation shows that you would have to follow God.
This Lent, take some time to thank God for all the blessings you have received. Ask God for courage through every situation in your life, so that you might be able to become the best that you can be.
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